TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds type safety and extra features to help with development. If you have used languages like C, C++, or...
Today, we are going to learn how to add data using Redux Toolkit. In Redux Toolkit Query terms, changing data is called a mutation, and reading data...
Sometimes, the animation properties that Tailwind provides are not enough, and we need a custom animation. For instance, if you want to display a...
Redux Toolkit Query is an add-on for Redux Toolkit that provides a powerful data fetching and caching tool. It handles most of the heavy lifting for...
Custom hooks are reusable pieces of logic we create for specific functions. They are generally made up of other hooks used inside them. They are named...
Today, we will learn about modern authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT). We will see how to encode and decode JWTs on the server side using...